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[音乐分享] Turisas——A Portage to the Unknown [复制链接]



来自沉睡山 发表于 2010-2-24 20:14:55 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 来自沉睡山 于 2010-2-24 20:26 编辑


We've sailed across the sea
Rowed for miles and miles upstream
Passed by Aldeigjuborg
Seen Lake Ilmen gleam
Ingvar took the lead
After Holmgard as agreed
What the end of Lovat meant
Was soon to be seen

Dripping with sweat a new day dawn on
The ropes cut flesh, as they've done in times foregone
I see my breath, my hands are going numb
Far from home we have come

An endless trail in front my eyes
A swift take off, had no time for goodbyes
What will we find and what was left behind
There's no return, get it off your mind

The water's changed to sand
Lakes and rivers turned to land
Plough up the rocky seas
Ride felled down trees
Foot by foot we edge
Once a ship, now a sledge

Six regular edges and six vertices
Six equilateral triangles
Six square faces in another direction
Plato's earth transparent

Give me all you have!
Pull as hard as you can
Plough up the rocky seas
Ride felled down trees
The water's changed to sand
Lakes and rivers turned to land

The rug has been pulled from under my feet
All my life made of lies and deceit
All I have left is a symbol on my chest
My only lead on my desperate quest

Branded at birth with the sign of Perun
East of the sun and West of the moon
The road now continues, Northwind be my guide
Wherever I'm going, the Gods are on my side

  Turisas意为战神图里萨,自诩为 Battle Metal 始作俑者的 Turisas 将要把1千年前的场景带回到现代!! !这是发自于内心的某深处地带!,乐团灵魂人物 Mathias !Warlord! Nygard 如是说,!我们顺着历史的足迹来演译,在那边会发现一些神话般的幻想火花。实际上他们是远超维京金属这单一范畴,要替他们的音乐分类实在不是容易,也许最适合的,便是唱片的名称:战斗金属。

  维京金属只是占他们音乐中的一部份,除了维京亦可找到一点异教色彩,大量的管乐与弦乐编排更接近交响黑金属,另外也加入了小提琴、笛子、手风琴和敲击乐,再多一份欧陆风情,更加进合唱团和女声,听起来就是将民谣/维京团的一切结合。的确,在乐队的呜谢名单中可以找到现在芬兰最着的数支同类乐团的名字:Finntroll、Ensiferum、Moonsorrow和Korpikilaani,更毫不怯于承认受他们影响之深,但Turisas的音乐却又和这些乐团的相差甚远。浏览一下有关Turisas或"Battle Metal"的评论,差不多没有人不会用"Finntroll Meets Bal-Sagoth"来形容,这也相当的贴切,因为他们的音乐虽然没有明显的黑金味,却具有那一份黑暗的感觉,那史诗式的气势亦和Bal-Sagoth相似,但整体会更接近奥地利的Hollenthon,他们的第二张"With Vilest Of Worms To Dwell"同样是以庞大交响乐与铜管攻击营造出史诗战场故事的氛围,在金属乐、叙述战争的歌词与编曲方面的确很相像,但Turisas没那么富侵略性而更具处身战场冲锋陷阵的意境,还有借用了民谣金属团的玩味,除了民族舞曲的节奏,某些歌曲更有些较另类的东西像电子或爵士乐,更难得是一切都组合得顺畅自然而非硬为加插特别元素而作,玩得随意甚至疯狂,但比很多滑稽化了的民谣团更显认真。乐团甚至参考古籍,以有关十七世纪芬兰战事的诗辞与名作入词"Prologue For R.R.R."和“Rex Regi Rebellis"两曲。


bunnyfunny 发表于 2010-2-24 20:19:27 |显示全部楼层


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