songofsoul 发表于 2013-12-31 11:10:56

Catherine Howard's fate

本帖最后由 songofsoul 于 2013-12-31 11:49 编辑
      凯瑟琳.霍华德(Catherine Howard,1520年/1525年?—1542年2月13日),英格兰国王亨利八世(Henry VIII)的第五任妻子,诺福克公爵第二个侄女,克里维斯的安妮(Anne of Cleves)于1540年7月与亨利八世(Henry VIII)离异后,她在同一个月内成为王后。一年后被克兰麦(Cranmer)指控婚前曾与一位音乐家、一位亲属发生过性关系以及婚后同国王的侍从托马斯 卡尔佩珀通奸,1541年与亨利八世(Henry VIII)离婚,一年后她以通奸罪遭斩首(1542年2月13日)。
Oh, to my dearest ruler and lord
Merciful husband
Noblest of kings...
Your heart of gold has long since tarnished
In my champers
What will the morning bring?
What it my heart that doth betray me
Cause I loved more than one man?
Is it true your wear a wounded spirit?
Pray let me mend it and make our love anew...
Allow me to be your humble servant
Once again, as before...
Are you like the others, so quick to judge
And for this the queen must fall
What is my heart that doth betray me
Cause I loved more than one man?
Truth within the writings of a letter
Signed and sealed poor Catherine Howard's fate...
Truth within the writings of a letter
Signed and sealed poor Catherine Howard's fate...

彩虹号角 发表于 2013-12-31 15:47:18

Blackmores night啊
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