sl850101 发表于 2013-11-16 09:58:07

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel 永生的尼古拉弗莱梅的秘密

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel永生的尼古拉弗莱梅的秘密


炼金术士 : 永生的尼古拉·弗莱梅的秘密1


The Alchemyst (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #1)

Nicholas Flamel was born in Paris on 28 September 1330. Nearly seven hundred years later, he is acknowledged as the greatest Alchemyst of his day. It is said that he discovered the secret of eternal life. The records show that he died in 1418. But his tomb is empty and Nicholas Flamel lives. The secret of eternal life is hidden within the book he protects - the Book of Abraham the Mage. It's the most powerful book that has ever existed. In the wrong hands, it will destroy the world. And that's exactly what Dr. John Dee plans to do when he steals it. Humankind won't know what's happening until it's too late. And if the prophecy is right, Sophie and Josh Newman are the only ones with the power to save the world as we know it. Sometimes legends are true. And Sophie and Josh Newman are about to find themselves in the middle of the greatest legend of all time.

魔法师 : 永生的尼古拉·弗莱梅的秘密2


The Magician (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #2)

In the hands of Dr. John Dee and the Dark Elders, the book of Abraham the Mage could mean the destruction of the world as we know it. The most powerful book of all time, it holds the secret of eternal life — a secret more dangerous than any one man should ever possess. And Dee is two pages away from the knowledge that would bring the Dark Elders into ultimate power.
His only obstacle? Josh and Sophie Newman — who are eight thousand miles away.

After fleeing Ojai, Nicholas, Sophie, Josh, and Scatty emerge in Paris. The City of Lights. Home to Nicholas Flamel. Only, this homecoming is anything but sweet.Niccolo Machiavelli, immortal author and celebrated art collector, is working for Dee. He's in hot pursuit, and time is running out for Nicholas and Perenelle. Every day they spend without the book, they age one year: their magic becomes weaker and their bodies more frail. For Flamel, the Prophecy is growing clearer and clearer. It's time for Sophie to learn the second elemental magic.Fire Magic.
And there's only one man who can teach it to her: Flamel's old student the Comte de Saint-Germain - alchemist, magician, and rock star. Josh and Sophie Newman are the world's only hope. If they don't turn on each other first.

女魔法师 : 永生的尼古拉·弗莱梅的秘密3


The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #3)

Nicholas Flamel's heart almost broke as he watched his beloved Paris crumble before him. The city was destroyed by Dee and Machiavelli, but Flamel played his own role in the destruction. Sophie and Josh Newman show every sign of being the twins of prophecy, and Flamel had to protect them and the pages from the Dark Elders.But Nicholas grows weaker with each passing day. Perenelle is still trapped in Alcatraz, and now that Scatty has gone missing, the group is without protection. Except for Clarent—the twin sword to Excalibur. But Clarent’s power is unthinkable, its evil making it nearly impossible to use without its darkness seeping into the soul of whoever wields it.If he hopes to defeat Dee, Nicholas must find an Elder who can teach Josh and Sophie the third elemental magic—Water Magic. The problem? The only one who can do that is Gilgamesh, and he is quite, quite insane.

死灵法师 : 永生的尼古拉·弗莱梅的秘密4


The Necromancer (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #4)

San Francisco:
Josh and Sophie Newman are finally home. And they're both more confused than ever about their future. Neither of them has mastered the magics they'll need to protect themselves, they've lost Scatty, and they're still being pursued by Dr. John Dee. Most disturbing of all, however, is that now they must ask themselves, can they trust Nicholas Flamel? Can they trust anyone?

Dr. Dee underestimated Perenelle Flamel's power. Alcatraz could not hold her, Nereus was no match for her, and she was able to align herself with the most unlikely of allies. But she wasn't the only one being held on the island. Behind the prison's bars and protective sigils were a menagerie of monsters, and now Machiavelli has come to Alcatraz to loose them on San Francisco.Perenelle might be powerful, but each day she weakens, and even with Nicholas back at her side, a battle of this size could be too much for her. Nicholas and Perenelle must fight to protect the city, but the effort will probably kill them both.

Having been unable to regain the two final pages of the Codex, Dee has failed his Elder and is now an outlaw.But the Magician has a plan. With the Codex and the creatures on Alcatraz, he can control the world. All he needs is the help of the Archons. But for his plan to work, he must raise the Mother of the Gods from the dead. For that, he'll have to train a necromancer.

巫师 : 永生的尼古拉·弗莱梅的秘密5


The Warlock (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #5)

In the fifth installment of this bestselling series, the twins of prophesy have been divided, and the end is finally beginning.With Scatty, Joan of Arc, Saint Germain, Palamedes, and Shakespeare all in Danu Talis, Sophie is on her own with the ever-weakening Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. She must depend on Niten to help her find an immortal to teach her Earth Magic. The surprise is that she will find her teacher in the most ordinary of places.

女巫 : 永生的尼古拉·弗莱梅的秘密6


The Enchantress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #6)

San Francisco:
Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel have one day left to live, and one job left to do. They must defend San Francisco. The monsters gathered on Alcatraz Island have been released and are heading toward the city. If they are not stopped, they will destroy everyone and everything in their path.But even with the help of two of the greatest warriors from history and myth, will the Sorceress and the legendary Alchemyst be able to defend the city? Or is it the beginning of the end of the human race?

Danu Talis:
Sophie and Josh Newman traveled ten thousand years into the past to Danu Talis when they followed Dr. John Dee and Virginia Dare. And it’s on this legendary island that the battle for the world begins and ends.Scathach, Prometheus, Palamedes, Shakespeare, Saint-Germain, and Joan of Arc are also on the island. And no one is sure what—or who—the twins will be fighting for.Today the battle for Danu Talis will be won or lost.But will the twins of legend stand together?Or will they stand apart—one to save the world and one to destroy it?

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绝境弃徒 发表于 2013-11-16 11:23:12


sl850101 发表于 2013-11-16 12:07:31

绝境弃徒 发表于 2013-11-16 11:23 static/image/common/back.gif


遗憾个鸟 发表于 2013-11-16 15:45:01

我有第四本实体书~借的- -直接跳过前三本看。。

will51 发表于 2014-4-22 23:47:00


森瑞尼迪 发表于 2014-4-23 09:16:03

看着封皮就耐啊!让我不禁在想 咋这么多职业呢
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