sl850101 发表于 2013-10-14 22:11:48

星球大战 Star Wars Legacy

本帖最后由 sl850101 于 2013-10-14 22:21 编辑

星球大战(Star Wars Legacy) (英文原文漫画)

Star Wars: Legacy is an American comic book series set in the Star Wars universe. The series, published by Dark Horse Comics, is written by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, and illustrated by Duursema and others, with inks by Dan Parsons and color by Brad Anderson.

In the comic series Star Wars: Legacy Darth Krayt is the new dark lord of the Sith. It has been 125 years since the fall of the old empire and Darth Krayt wants the Sith to be in power again, just like it used to be. The Dark lord kills a double of the emperor Roan Fel and claims the throne to be his. As most troops fall to the new Dark lord, some troops stay loyal and fall back to defend the true emperor Roan Fel.

该片描写在很久以前的一个遥远的银河系,肩负正义使命感的绝地武士与帝国邪恶黑暗势力作战的故事。绝地武士是一群有着非凡天赋的人,经由各种筛选,他们在幼年即开始接受严格特殊训练,其宗旨是认识和使用“原力”(Force)。训练有素的绝地武士有极强的意志力可以使用无所不在的“原力”来维护银河间的和平。 比如,控制意志较弱人的思想甚至可以预感将要发生的事情,所以绝地武士有着非凡的决斗能力。

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