sl850101 发表于 2013-2-15 11:36:58

黑质三部曲 his dark materials trilogy

本帖最后由 sl850101 于 2013-2-15 12:04 编辑

黑质三部曲 (his dark materials trilogy) [英] 菲利普•普尔曼


      菲利普•普尔曼,(Philip Pullman,1946-),英国当代著名作家,毕业于牛津大学,曾任教威斯敏斯特大学,教授维多利亚时期文学与民间故事,目前与家人住在英国,专事写作。他的代表作《黑质三部曲》,风靡全球书界,发行千万余套,全世界最受瞩目的奇幻史诗巨作!情节曲折媲美《哈利·波特》,气势磅礴更胜《魔戒》。本书是三部曲之一。如同所有最伟大的故事一样,这部作品寓意深刻,几乎囊括了你所能想象到的一切惊险和刺激的情节:在当今的盎格鲁-撒克逊奇幻小说家队伍中,普尔曼无疑是最具创造力的“创世者”之一,是《魔戒》的作者J·R·R·托尔金的后来人与继承者。


      如同所有伟大的故事一样,这部作品寓意深刻,几乎囊括了你所能想像到的一切惊险和刺激的情节;在当今的盎格鲁 — 撒克逊奇幻小说家队伍中,普尔无疑是最具造力的“创世者“之一,是《魔戒》的作者J•R·R·托尔金的后来人与继承者。






sl850101 发表于 2013-2-15 11:44:29

The Northern Lights(英版名称)

Lyra's life is already sufficiently interesting for a novel before she eavesdrops on a presentation by her uncle Lord Asriel to his colleagues in the Jordan College faculty, Oxford. The college, famed for its leadership in experimental theology, is funding Lord Asriel's research into the heretical possibility of the existence of worlds unlike Lyra's own, where everyone is born with a familiar animal companion, magic of a kind works, the Tartars are threatening to overrun Muscovy, and the Pope is a puritanical Protestant. Set in an England familiar and strange, Philip Pullman's lively, taut story is a must-read and re-read for fantasy lovers of all ages. The world-building is outstanding, from the subtle hints of the 1898 Tokay to odd quirks of language to the panserbjorne, while determined, clever Lyra is strongly reminiscent of Joan Aiken's Dido Twite.

The Subtle Knife

At the end of The Northern Lights, Lyra Silvertongue watched in fear and fascination as her father, Lord Asriel, created a bridge between worlds. Lyra and her daemon, Pantalaimon, are now lost in an alternate universe where they meet Will Parry, a fugitive from a third universe. Will has found a small window between Cittagazze (a place where children roam unchecked but invisible Specters suck the spirit out of adults) and his Oxford, which, with its Burger Kings and cars, is frighteningly different from the Oxford Lyra knows. Will's father, an explorer, disappeared years ago, but recently some odd characters have started asking questions about him, and now, having accidentally killed one of them, Will is wanted by the police. Armed with The Subtle Knife, a tool that cuts any material (including that which separates universes) and Lyra's alethiometer, the children set out to find John Parry, with adults of various stripes in desperate pursuit. Lyra's finest qualities--her courage and quick mind--are stretched to the limit as she has to lie, cheat and steal to keep herself and Will out of danger. However, she must also learn when to tell the truth and when to trust, for though she does not yet know it, she has a huge part to play in the upcoming battle between Good and Evil.

The Amber Spyglass

Philip Pullman began the spellbinding His Dark Materials sequence with The Northern Lights, which dazzled everyone who read it, children and adults alike. Remarkably, he kept up the quality in The Subtle Knife, the second title in the trilogy. Here he brings the series to an extraordinary conclusion. Will and Lyra, the two children at the heart of the books, have become separated amid great dangers. Can they find each other, and their friends? Then complete their mysterious quest before it is too late? The great rebellion against the dark powers that hold Lyra's world in thrall (and many others) is nearing its climax. She and Will have crucial parts to play, but they don't know what it is that they must do, and terrible powers are hunting them down.

遗憾个鸟 发表于 2013-2-15 11:54:52


sl850101 发表于 2013-2-15 12:06:40

遗憾个鸟 发表于 2013-2-15 11:54 static/image/common/back.gif


kongchanr 发表于 2013-2-15 12:33:06


天色已晚 发表于 2013-2-15 12:40:16


sl850101 发表于 2013-2-15 12:46:24


banderia 发表于 2013-2-15 14:29:43

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