klam 发表于 2012-8-11 10:10:53



1953长篇《被毁灭的人》The Demolished Man阿尔弗雷德·贝斯特Alfred Bester
1955长篇《他们宁愿正确》They'd Rather Be Right马克·克里夫顿与
弗兰克·瑞雷Mark Clifton and
Frank Riley
短中篇《达夫斯讲述者》The Darfsteller小沃尔特·M·米勒Walter M. Miller, Jr.
短篇〈阿拉玛果沙〉"Allamagoosa"艾里克·F·拉赛尔Eric Frank Russell
1956长篇《双星》Double Star罗伯特·海因莱因Robert A. Heinlein
短中篇《探险队》Exploration Team幕瑞·雷因斯特Murray Leinster
短篇〈星〉"The Star"阿瑟·C·克拉克Arthur C. Clarke
1958长篇《大时代》The Big Time弗里兹·雷伯Fritz Leiber
短篇〈或所有带有牡蛎的海〉"Or All the Seas with Oysters"艾佛伦·大卫森Avram Davidson
戏剧表现《奇怪的收缩人》The Incredible Shrinking Man
1959长篇《良知个案》A Case of Conscience詹姆斯·布利许James Blish
短中篇《大前园》The Big Front Yard克利福德·D·西马克Clifford D. Simak
短篇〈那架驶往地狱的火车〉"That Hell-Bound Train"罗勃·布洛奇Robert Bloch

klam 发表于 2012-8-11 10:11:34

1960长篇《星船伞兵》Starship Troopers罗伯特·海因莱因Robert A. Heinlein
短篇〈献给阿尔吉侬的花束〉"Flowers for Algernon"丹尼尔·凯斯Daniel Keyes
戏剧表现《迷离境界》The Twilight Zone
1961长篇《莱博维兹的赞歌》A Canticle for Leibowitz小沃尔特·M·米勒Walter M. Miller, Jr.
短篇〈最长的航程〉"The Longest Voyage"波尔·安德森Poul Anderson
戏剧表现《迷离境界》The Twilight Zone
1962长篇《异乡异客》Stranger in a Strange Land罗伯特·海因莱因Robert A. Heinlein
短篇〈温室〉"Hothouse"布赖恩·奥尔迪斯Brian W. Aldiss
戏剧表现《迷离境界》The Twilight Zone
1963长篇《高堡里的男人》The Man in the High Castle菲利普·K·迪克Philip K. Dick
短篇〈龙主〉"The Dragon Masters"杰克·万斯Jack Vance
1964长篇《驿站》Way Station克利福德·D·西马克Clifford D. Simak
短篇〈与帝王斗争到底〉"No Truce with Kings"波尔·安德森Poul Anderson
1965长篇《离轨星球》The Wanderer弗里兹·雷伯Fritz Leiber
短篇〈士兵,不要问〉"Soldier, Ask Not"戈登·R·迪克森Gordon R. Dickson
戏剧表现《奇爱博士》Dr. Strangelove
...And Call Me Conrad弗兰克·赫伯特
罗杰·泽拉兹尼Frank Herbert
Roger Zelazny
短篇〈滴答人说:“忏悔吧,哈勒昆!”〉'"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman'哈兰·艾里森Harlan Ellison
1967长篇《严厉的月亮》The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress罗伯特·海因莱因Robert A. Heinlein
短中篇《最后的城堡》The Last Castle杰克·万斯Jack Vance
短篇〈中子星〉"Neutron Star"拉瑞·尼文Larry Niven
戏剧表现《星际旅行》:〈野生动物〉Star Trek: "The Menagerie"
1968长篇《光明王》Lord of Light罗杰·泽拉兹尼Roger Zelazny
《维乐搜索》Riders of the Purple Wage
Weyr Search菲利普·J·法玛
安·麦卡芙瑞Philip José Farmer
Anne McCaffrey
短中篇《孤注一掷》Gonna Roll the Bones弗里兹·雷伯Fritz Leiber
短篇〈无声狂啸〉"I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"哈兰·艾里森Harlan Ellison
戏剧表现《星际旅行》:〈在永远边缘的城市〉Star Trek: "The City on the Edge of Forever"
1969长篇《站在赞兹巴尔》Stand on Zanzibar约翰·布鲁纳John Brunner
长中篇《夜之翼》Nightwings罗伯特·西尔弗伯格Robert Silverberg
短中篇《肉体的分享》The Sharing of Flesh波尔·安德森Poul Anderson
短篇〈在世界中心呼唤爱的野兽〉"The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World"哈兰·艾里森Harlan Ellison
戏剧表现《2001太空漫游》2001: A Space Odyssey

klam 发表于 2012-8-11 10:12:40


1970长篇《黑暗的左手》The Left Hand of Darkness娥苏拉.勒瑰恩Ursula K. Le Guin
长中篇《阴影之船》Ship of Shadows弗里兹·雷伯Fritz Leiber
短篇〈时间被视为一螺旋次等宝石〉"Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones"撒缪尔·R·狄兰尼Samuel R. Delany
戏剧表现有关太阳神11号的新闻报道News coverage of Apollo 11
1971长篇《环形世界》Ringworld拉瑞·尼文Larry Niven
长中篇《在兰克马不巧相遇》Ill Met in Lankhmar弗里兹·雷伯Fritz Leiber
短篇〈缓慢雕塑〉"Slow Sculpture"西奥多·斯特金Theodore Sturgeon
1972长篇《走向你们散落的身体》To Your Scattered Bodies Go菲利普·J·法玛Philip José Farmer
长中篇《空气与黑暗的女王》The Queen of Air and Darkness波尔·安德森Poul Anderson
短篇〈不恒定的月亮〉"Inconstant Moon"拉瑞·尼文Larry Niven
戏剧表现《发条橙‎》A Clockwork Orange
1973长篇《神仙们自己》The Gods Themselves艾萨克·阿西莫夫Isaac Asimov又译《众神自己》
长中篇《世界之词乃森林》The Word for World Is Forest厄休拉·勒吉恩Ursula K. Le Guin
短中篇《山羊之歌》Goat Song波尔·安德森Poul Anderson
〈会面〉"Eurema's Dam"
"The Meeting"拉菲尔·A·拉弗蒂
弗雷德里克·波尔与C·M·考恩布鲁斯R. A. Lafferty
Frederik Pohl andC. M. Kornbluth
1974长篇《与拉玛相会》Rendezvous with Rama阿瑟·C·克拉克Arthur C. Clarke
长中篇《被插上插头的女孩》The Girl Who Was Plugged In小詹姆斯·提普奇James Tiptree, Jr.
短中篇《死亡鸟》The Deathbird哈兰·艾里森Harlan Ellison
短篇〈步出欧麦拉斯的人〉"The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"厄休拉·勒吉恩Ursula K. Le Guin
1975长篇《一无所有》The Dispossessed厄休拉·勒吉恩Ursula K. Le Guin
长中篇《莱安娜之歌》A Song for Lya乔治·R·R·马丁George R. R. Martin
短中篇《飘流在胰岛附近:北纬38度54分,西经77度00分13秒》Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00'13" W哈兰·艾里森Harlan Ellison
短篇〈黑洞男子〉"The Hole Man"拉瑞·尼文Larry Niven
戏剧表现《新科学怪人》Young Frankenstein
1976长篇《千年战争》The Forever War乔·哈德曼Joe Haldeman
长中篇《家是刽子手》Home Is the Hangman罗杰·泽拉兹尼Roger Zelazny
短中篇《太阳系边境》The Borderland of Sol拉瑞·尼文Larry Niven
短篇〈赶上那艘齐柏林飞船〉"Catch That Zeppelin!"弗里兹·雷伯Fritz Leiber
戏剧表现《男孩和他的狗》A Boy and His Dog
1977长篇《迟暮鸟语》Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang凯特·威尔亨Kate Whilhem另译《爱鸟夜晚何处啼》
《侯斯顿,侯斯顿,你听到吗?》By Any Other Name
Houston, Houston, Do You Read?小詹姆斯·提普奇Spider Robinson
James Tiptree, Jr.
短中篇《双百人》The Bicentennial Man艾萨克·阿西莫夫Issac Asimov
短篇〈三百周年〉"Tricentennial"乔·哈德曼Joe Haldeman
1978长篇《通往宇宙之门》Gateway弗雷德里克·波尔Frederik Pohl
长中篇《星舞》Stardance[[]]Spider Robinson &Jeanne Robinson
短中篇《琥珀之眼》Eyes of Amber[[]]Joan D. Vinge
短篇〈杰佛迪五岁〉"Jeffty Is Five"哈兰·艾里森Harlan Ellison
戏剧表现《星球大战IV:新希望》Star Wars
1979长篇《梦蛇》Dreamsnake[[]]Vonda McIntyre
长中篇《视觉暂留》The Persistence of Vision[[]]John Varley
短中篇《狩猎月》Hunter's Moon波尔·安德森Poul Anderson
短篇〈卡珊多拉〉"Cassandra"[[]]C. J. Cherryh

klam 发表于 2012-8-11 10:14:45


1980长篇《天堂的喷泉》The Fountains of Paradise阿瑟·C·克拉克Arthur C. Clarke
长中篇《敌方矿藏》Enemy Mine[[]]Barry B. Longyear"Mine"有双重意思,所以书名也可解成《我的敌人》
短中篇《沙王》Sandkings乔治·R·R·马丁George R. R. Martin
短篇〈十字架与龙〉"The Way of Cross and Dragon"乔治·R·R·马丁George R. R. Martin
非小说类《科幻百科全书》The Science Fiction Encyclopedia彼得·尼克斯Peter Nicholls
1981长篇《冰雪女王》The Snow Queen[[]]Joan D. Vinge
长中篇《迷途的多赛》Lost Dorsai戈登·R·迪克森Gordon R. Dickson
短中篇《斗篷与拐杖》The Cloak and the Staff戈登·R·迪克森Gordon R. Dickson
短篇〈跳舞鹿之洞〉"Grotto of the Dancing Deer"克利福德·D·西马克Clifford D. Simak
非小说类《宇宙的奥秘》Cosmos卡尔·萨根Carl Sagan
戏剧表现《星球大战V:帝国反击战》Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
1982长篇《下方太空站》The Downbelow Station[[]]C. J. Cherryh
长中篇《土星游戏》The Saturn Game波尔·安德森Poul Anderson
短中篇《独角兽变异》Unicorn Variations罗杰·泽拉兹尼Roger Zelazny
短篇〈[[]]〉"The Pusher"[[]]John Varley
非小说类《死亡之舞》Danse Macabre斯蒂芬·金Stephen King
戏剧表现《夺宝奇兵》Raiders of the Lost Ark
1983长篇《基地边缘》Foundation's Edge艾萨克·阿西莫夫Isaac Asimov
长中篇《灵魂》Souls卓安纳.拉思Joanna Russ
短中篇《救火队》Fire Watch康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
短篇〈忧郁的大象〉"Melancholy Elephants"[[]]Spider Robinson
非小说类《以撒.艾西莫夫:科幻的基础》Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction詹姆斯·耿恩James Gunn
戏剧表现《银翼杀手》Blade Runner
1984长篇《星潮汹涌》Startide Rising大卫·布林David Brin
长中篇《串联点》Cascade Point[[]]Timothy Zahn
短中篇《血里的音乐》Blood Music葛瑞格·贝尔Greg Bear
短篇〈语音〉"Speech Sounds"奥克塔维娅·E·巴特勒Octavia E. Butler
非小说类《科幻及奇幻百科全书》The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol. 3[[]]Donald H. Tuck
戏剧表现《星球大战VI:绝地归来》Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi
1985长篇《神经浪游者》Neuromancer威廉·吉布森William Gibson
长中篇《按输入键》PRESS ENTER[[]]John Varley
短中篇《亲生骨肉》Bloodchild奥克塔维娅·E·巴特勒Octavia E. Butler
短篇〈水晶球体〉"The Crystal Spheres"大卫·布林David Brin
非小说类《[[]]》Wonder's Child: My Life in Science FictionJack WilliamsonJack Williamson
1986长篇《安德的游戏》Ender's Game沃森·斯科特·卡德Orson Scott Card
长中篇《富岳二十六景,葛饰北斋制》24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai罗杰·泽拉兹尼Roger Zelazny
短中篇《遗失小时之护卫》Paladin of the Lost Hour哈兰·艾里森Harlan Ellison
短篇〈飞米与冰霜〉"Fermi and Frost"弗雷德里克·波尔Frederik Pohl
非小说类《[[]]》Science Made Stupid[[]]Tom Weller
戏剧表现《回到未来》Back to the Future
1987长篇《死者代言人》Speaker for the Dead沃森·斯科特·卡德Orson Scott Card
长中篇《偏远地区的吉尔伽美什》Gilgamesh in the Outback罗伯特·西尔弗伯格Robert Silverberg
短中篇《永久冻土》Permafrost罗杰·泽拉兹尼Roger Zelazny
短篇〈正切〉"Tangents"葛瑞格·贝尔Greg Bear
非小说类《[[]]》Trillion Year Spree布赖恩·奥尔迪斯与[[]]Brian W. Aldiss and David Wingrove
1988长篇《提升之战》The Uplift War大卫·布林David Brin
长中篇《以眼还眼》Eye for Eye沃森·斯科特·卡德Orson Scott Card
短中篇《水牛女郎,你今晚出来吧》Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight厄休拉·勒吉恩Ursula K. Le Guin
短篇〈我为何离开哈利的通宵营业汉堡店〉"Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers"[[]]Lawrence Watt-Evans
非小说类《麦可.惠兰奇异作品》Michael Whelan's Works of Wonder麦可·惠兰Michael Whelan
戏剧表现《公主新娘》The Princess Bride
1989长篇《赛亭星》Cyteen[[]]C. J. Cherryh
长中篇《仅剩的温尼贝戈族人》The Last of the Winnebagos康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
短中篇《薛定谔的猫咪》Schrödinger's Kitten[[]]George Alec Effinger
短篇〈基里尼亚加〉"Kirinyaga"[[]]Mike Resnick
非小说类《光在水中的移动》The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village 1957-1965撒缪尔·R·狄兰尼Samuel R. Delany
戏剧表现《梦城兔福星》Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

klam 发表于 2012-8-11 10:17:00


1990长篇《海伯利安》Hyperion丹·西蒙斯Dan Simmons
长中篇《悲悼的群山》The Mountains of Mourning路易丝·麦克马斯特·比约德Lois McMaster Bujold
短中篇《一个士兵出场。待会:另一个出场》Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another罗伯特·西尔弗伯格Robert Silverberg
短篇《奶子》"Boobs"[[]]Suzy McKee Charnas
非小说类《山丘外的世界》The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence[[]]Alexei Panshin &Cory Panshin
戏剧表现《圣战奇兵》Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
1991长篇《贵族的游戏》The Vor Game路易丝·麦克马斯特·比约德Lois McMaster Bujold
长中篇《海明威骗局》The Hemingway Hoax乔·哈德曼Joe Haldeman
短中篇《[[]]》The Manamouki[[]]Mike Resnick
短篇《熊发现火》"Bears Discover Fire"特瑞·比森Terry Bisson
非小说类《怎样写科幻及奇幻小说》How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy沃森·斯科特·卡德Orson Scott Card
戏剧表现《剪刀手爱德华》Edward Scissorhands
1992长篇《巴拉亚》Barrayar路易丝·麦克马斯特·比约德Lois McMaster Bujold
长中篇《西班牙乞丐》Beggars in Spain南希·克瑞斯Nancy Kress
短中篇《金》Gold艾萨克·阿西莫夫Isaac Asimov
短篇《太阳中散步》"A Walk in the Sun"杰弗瑞·A·兰迪斯Geoffrey A. Landis
非小说类《查理.亚当斯的世界》The World of Charles Addams查理·亚当斯Charles Addams
戏剧表现《终结者2:审判日》Terminator 2: Judgment Day
《末日之书》A Fire Upon the Deep
Doomsday Book弗诺·文奇
康妮·威利斯Vernor Vinge
Connie Willis
长中篇《[[]]》Barnacle Bill the Spacer[[]]Lucius Shepard
短中篇《胡桃夹子政变》The Nutcracker Coup[[]]Janet Kagan
短篇〈即使是女王〉"Even the Queen"康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
非小说类《[[]]》A Wealth of Fable: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the 1950s[[]]Harry Warner, Jr.
戏剧表现《星际旅行:下一代》:〈内心之光〉Star Trek: The Next Generation: "The Inner Light"
1994长篇《绿火星》Green Mars金·史丹利·罗宾逊Kim Stanley Robinson
长中篇《[[]]》Down in the Bottomlands哈利·托特达夫Harry Turtledove
短中篇《心系佐治亚州》Georgia on My Mind[[]]Charles Sheffield
短篇《尼罗河谋杀案》"Death on the Nile"康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
非小说类《科幻百科全书1993年版》The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, 1993 Edition约翰·克鲁特与彼得·尼克斯合编John Clute & Peter Nicholls
戏剧表现《侏罗纪公园》Jurassic Park
1995长篇《镜舞》Mirror Dance路易丝·麦克马斯特·比约德Lois McMaster Bujold
长中篇《欧都外峡谷七景》Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge[[]]Mike Resnick
短中篇《火星裔孩子》The Martian Child[[]]David Gerrold
短篇《没有更盲的了》"None So Blind"乔·哈德曼Joe Haldeman
非小说类《I.艾西莫夫:回忆录》I. Asimov: A Memoir艾萨克·阿西莫夫Isaac Asimov
戏剧表现《星际旅行:下一代》:〈曲终人散〉Star Trek: The Next Generation: "All Good Things..."
1996长篇《钻石年代》The Diamond Age[[]]Neal Stephenson
长中篇《未来侠之死》The Death of Captain Future[[]]Allen Steele
短中篇《像恐龙般思考》Think Like a Dinosaur[[]]James Patrick Kelly
短篇《林肯火车》"The Lincoln Train"[[]]Maureen F. McHugh
非小说类《科幻图解百科全书》Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia约翰·克鲁特John Clute
戏剧表现《巴比伦五号》:〈阴影的来临〉Babylon 5: "The Coming of Shadows"
1997长篇《蓝火星》Blue Mars金·史丹利·罗宾逊Kim Stanley Robinson
长中篇《龙之血脉》Blood of The Dragon乔治·R·R·马丁George R. R. Martin
短中篇《自行车维修员》Bicycle Repairman布鲁斯·史特林Bruce Sterling
短篇《[[]]》"The Soul Selects Her Own Society: Invasion and Repulsion: Chronological Reinterpretation of Two of Emily Dickinson's Poems: A Wellsian Perspective"康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
非小说类《时间与机会:一本自传》Time & Chance: An Autobiography[[]]L. Sprague de Camp
戏剧表现《巴比伦五号》:〈断梦〉Babylon 5: "Severed Dreams"
1998长篇《千年和平》Forever Peace乔·哈德曼Joe Haldeman
长中篇《天使不敢涉足的地方》...Where Angels Fear to Tread[[]]Allen Steele
短中篇《我们会一起喝鱼》We Will Drink a Fish Together...[[]]Bill Johnson
短篇《四十三个安他尔王朝》"The 43 Antarean Dynasties"[[]]Mike Resnick
非小说类《奇幻百科全书》The Encyclopedia of Fantasy约翰·克鲁特与[[]]John Clute & John Grant
1999长篇《更不用说狗了》To Say Nothing of the Dog康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
长中篇《海洋的》Oceanic[[]]Greg Egan
短中篇《塔克拉玛干》Taklamakan布鲁斯·史特林Bruce Sterling
短篇《机器的脉搏》"The Very Pulse of the Machine"迈克尔·斯万维克Michael Swanwick
相关书籍《制造我们事物的梦想:科幻小说怎样征服世界》The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World[[]]Thomas M. Disch
戏剧表现《楚门的世界》The Truman Show

klam 发表于 2012-8-11 10:17:54

2000长篇《天渊》A Deepness in the Sky弗诺·文奇Vernor Vinge
长中篇《大理石拱门的风》The Winds of Marble Arch康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
短中篇《10的16次幂比1》1016 to 1[[]]James Patrick Kelly
短篇《[[]]》"Scherzo with Tyrannosaur"迈克尔·斯万维克Michael Swanwick
相关书籍《二十世纪的科幻小说》Science Fiction of the 20th Century[[]]Frank M. Robinson
戏剧表现《星河救兵》Galaxy Quest
2001长篇《哈利·波特与火焰杯》Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireJ.K.罗琳J. K. Rowling
长中篇《最终的地球》The Ultimate Earth[[]]Jack Williamson
短中篇《千禧婴孩》Millennium Babies[[]]Kristine Kathryn Rusch
短篇《不同类别的黑暗》"Different Kinds of Darkness"[[]]David Langford
相关书籍《来自地球的问候:鲍伯.艾格尔顿画集》》Greetings from Earth: The Art of Bob Eggleton鲍伯·艾格尔顿与Nigel SucklingBob Eggleton &Nigel Suckling
戏剧表现《卧虎藏龙》Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
2002长篇《美国众神》American Gods尼尔·盖曼Neil Gaiman
长中篇《费尔蒙特中学的流星岁月》Fast Times at Fairmont High弗诺·文奇Vernor Vinge
短中篇《无神之地就是地狱》Hell is the Absence of God特德·姜Ted Chiang
短篇《狗说咆哮》"The Dog Said Bow-Wow"迈克尔·斯万维克Michael Swanwick
相关书籍《[[]]》The Art of Chesley Bonestell[[]]Ron Miller &Frederick C. Durant III, withMelvin H. Schuetz
戏剧表现《指环王:护戒使者》The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
2003长篇《原始人》Hominids罗伯特·J·索耶Robert J. Sawyer
长中篇《鬼妈妈》Coraline尼尔·盖曼Neil Gaiman
短中篇《慢生命》Slow Life迈克尔·斯万维克Michael Swanwick
短篇〈坠落到火星〉"Falling Onto Mars"杰弗瑞·A·兰迪斯Geoffrey A. Landis
相关书籍《宁愿爱过:茱迪丝.梅洛的一生》Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril茱迪丝·梅洛与Emily Pohl-WearyJudith Merril &Emily Pohl-Weary
戏剧表现:长剧《指环王:双塔奇兵》The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
戏剧表现:短剧《魔法奇兵》:〈与死人的对话〉Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Conversations with Dead People"
2004长篇《灵魂骑士》Paladin of Souls路易丝·麦克马斯特·比约德Lois McMaster Bujold
长中篇《甜点怪物》The Cookie Monster弗诺·文奇Vernor Vinge
短中篇《时间军团》Legions in Time迈克尔·斯万维克Michael Swanwick
短篇〈绿字的研究〉"A Study in Emerald"尼尔·盖曼Neil Gaiman
相关书籍《[[]]》The Chesley Awards for SF & Fantasy Art: A Retrospective[[]]John Grant,Elizabeth L. Humphrey &Pamela D. Scoville
戏剧表现:长剧《指环王:王者归来》The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
戏剧表现:短剧咕噜在2003 MTV Movie Awards上的致谢词Gollum's Acceptance Speech at the 2003 MTV Movie Awards
2005长篇《英伦魔法师》Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell苏珊娜·克拉克Susanna Clarke
长中篇《石屎森林》The Concrete Jungle[[]]Charles Stross
短中篇《仙子手袋》The Faery Handbag[[]]Kelly Link
短篇《与猫同行的游记》"Travels with My Cats"[[]]Mike Resnick
相关书籍《剑桥科幻指南》The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction[[]]Edward James andFarah Mendlesohn
戏剧表现:长剧《超人总动员》The Incredibles
戏剧表现:短剧《星际大争霸2005》:〈33〉Battlestar Galactica: "33"
2006长篇《时间回旋》Spin罗伯特·查尔斯·威尔森Robert Charles Wilson
长中篇《[[]]》Inside Job康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
短中篇《孪生双心》Two Hearts彼得·S·毕格Peter S. Beagle
短篇《[[]]》"Tk'tk'tk"[[]]David D. Levine
相关书籍《说书人:来自27年克莱恩科幻及奇幻作者工作坊的写作课与其他》Storyteller: Writing Lessons and More from 27 Years of the Clarion Writers' Workshop凯特·威尔亨Kate Wilhelm
戏剧表现:短剧《神秘博士》:〈空的小孩〉/〈博士跳舞〉Doctor Who: "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances"
2007长篇《彩虹的尽头》Rainbow's End弗诺·文奇Vernor Vinge
长中篇《十亿个夏娃》A Billion Eves罗伯特·里德Robert Reed
短中篇《神怪之妻》The Djinn's Wife伊恩·迈克唐纳德Ian McDonald
短篇〈幻梦〉"Impossible Dreams"提姆·普拉特Tim Pratt
相关书籍《小詹姆斯.提普奇:爱丽斯.B.薛尔顿的双重人生》James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon茱莉·菲利普斯Julie Phillips
戏剧表现:长剧《潘神的迷宮》Pan's Labyrinth
戏剧表现:短剧《神秘博士》:〈火炉里的女孩〉Doctor Who: "The Girl in the Fireplace"
2008长篇《消逝的六芒星》The Yiddish Policeman’s Union麦可·谢朋Michael Chabon
长中篇《全坐在地上》All Seated on the Ground康妮·威利斯Connie Willis
短中篇《商人和炼金术士之门》The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate特德·姜Ted Chiang
短篇《潮痕》Tideline伊丽莎白·贝尔Elizabeth Bear
相关书籍《美丽新言词:牛津科幻字典》Brave New Words: the Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction[[]]Jeff Prucher
戏剧表现:短剧《神秘博士》:〈眨眼〉Doctor Who: "Blink"
2009长篇《墓园里的男孩》The Graveyard Book尼尔·盖曼Neil Gaiman
长中篇《[[]]》The Erdmann Nexus南希·克瑞斯Nancy Kress
短中篇《[[]]》Shoggoths in Bloom伊丽莎白·贝尔Elizabeth Bear
短篇《呼气》"Exhalation"特德·姜Ted Chiang
相关书籍《你的恐吓信将会被评分》Your Hate Mail Will be Graded: A Decade of Whatever, 1998-2008约翰·史卡奇John Scalzi
漫画/图绘小说《天才女孩,第八集》Girl Genius, Volume 8: Agatha Heterodyne and the Chapel of Bones[[]]Written by Kaja & Phil Foglio, art by Phil Foglio, colors by Cheyenne Wright
戏剧表现:短剧《可怕博士跟着唱部落格》Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

klam 发表于 2012-8-11 10:24:26


2010长篇《[[]]》The City & The City[[]]China Miéville
长篇《曼谷的发条女孩》The Windup Girl保罗·巴奇加卢比Paolo Bacigalupi
长中篇《[[]]》Palimpsest查尔斯·斯特罗斯Charles Stross
短中篇《[[]]》The Island[[]]Peter Watts
短篇《[[]]》"Bridesicle"[[]]Will McIntosh
相关书籍《[[]]》This is Me, Jack Vance!约翰·史卡奇Jack Vance
漫画/图绘小说《天才女孩,第九集》Girl Genius, Volume 9: Agatha Heterodyne and the Heirs of the Storm[[]]Written by Kaja and Phil Foglio; Art by Phil Foglio; Colours by Cheyenne Wright
戏剧表现:短剧《神秘博士:火星之水》Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars

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